Friday, May 21, 2010


My apologies, How I have been away from my blog for so long I don't understand. I always wondered how bloggers remained silent for months. then reappeared with little explanation. How did they just "drop out" and then return? I still don't know, but here I am doing the same thing. There were no major traumas, no change in my commitment to Gaza and the West Bank...I just didn't write~

Have put up the post I wrote on March 6 explaining A Child's View From Gaza,a traveling art show of drawings and paintings created by children in Gaza. The children's art work is amazing! It's difficult deciding which pictures can be put in the exhibit

From February I had written:
We've had our third February snow storm worthy of much comment, fretting and sore backs from shoveling.
Being stuck at home my mind began looking for something to do...I wandered along a curvy path leading to a clearing edged with enormous bright yellow forsythia bushes. That led me to a memory and has put me in a thinking mood...memories and the future...

I'll have to do some thinking about "the clearing, edged with enormous bright yellow forsythia" That intrigues me.

I'll attempt to pick up the bits and pieces of what's transpired between February and now.

The presentation at Rembrandt's became a reality...attendance was small but as often happens in such cases...there was time for much discussion and that's invaluable. The presentation received praise, which is appreciated. The remarks also led me to make changes which I think have made it stronger. We spoke about putting the presentation on line, but I think that's in the distant future.

Have yet to send out a small mass-mailing to prospective venues. Seems I always find an excuse to avoid doing it. Wish I understood why! I should stop wondering and just do it!! I do believe I undermine myself by dragging my feet and questioning, questioning, questioning. My desire is for everything to be perfect so I revise and revise which is ridiculous because nothing is perfect.

I took part in a teach-in at the University Pennsylvania titled Israel Apartheid. It was interesting and I'm glad I participated. I wasn't sure I was going to because i didn't see where I fit in. Really didn't think I could contribute to the topic. It's pretty clear opinion is moving towards agreement that Israel is an apartheid many ways the Palestinians are subject to the same discrimination and treatment Blacks were in South Africa. Hopefully the BDS movement will pressure Israel to grant the Palestinians the equality they deserve.

In early May I set off on a road-trip; giving five presentations in different towns/ was a fantastic experience and I hope to schedule more of them. I'll devote my next post to my road-trip adventure: where I went, what I did and what I learned.

Please, stay tuned! I won't disappear again!

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic blog. Please DO NOT STOP writing it. Your re-telling of your experiences is essential, as I know you know.

