Tuesday, September 14, 2010


September 12, Had anyone ever suggested I would be spending my birthday in Cairo...alone in Cairo,I'd never have believed them. It's a bit shocking to me. I expected to spend this one in Gaza....maybe a slim chance of being back in the US but here in the Cairo Center, Never!

The staff has been showering me with "happy birthday" since breakfast. Mid afternoon I went out to the wonderful bakery and bought myself a very elaborate birthday cake...was tempted to ask if they could write "happy birthday Susan" but I decided it would take too much time and effort. It's a large square cake, tall with three layers. It's half chocolate/half caramel; triangles of taste preference, which I thought was cool. the caramel side had half an apple cut and fanned out, a slice mango carefully arranged, a large pastry type thing, cherries and a fruit I can't identify; it's all covered with a caramel glaze.. Chocolate side has wonderful thick chocolate icing, chocolate shavings, icing decorator swirls. The sides are covered with ground almonds. It is beautiful!! I am sharing it with staff and guests...even took a big piece to the  man downstairs in the small area you might call a lobby...if it were a lobby he'd be the doorman...he sits in a little area that's partitioned off with a glass window.

Two evenings ago I came in and he and two friends were eating their dinner out of a large aluminum pan...it smelled delicious and looked yummy. Here, here have some, yes, yes. The next thing I know a spoon full of the food was about an inch from my mouth. It was delicious...rice with what I'm not sure. There were pieces of meat placed on top of the rice. I was trying to find out what type meat. The pretend doorman picks up a hunk of meat tears it off and begins handing it to me,stops and tries to find a spoon. I took it from his fingers and popped it in my mouth...it was beef.

Now tell me, how many Americans have an experience like that and on their birthday no less?

Sharing is such a satisfying act...feels so good to me. The guests were a bit surprised but most accepted my offer of cake, especially when they saw it. A lovely young couple took cake...she was so excited, gave me kisses on both cheeks. A few minutes later she appeared with her hands full of chocolate candy...each wrapped in foil, gold or silver...with a small gold sticker with the company's name. Shortly after that he appeared with his hands full of candy. They were cute..very happy with each other...nice to watch, This morning they were going out invited me to come with them but I declined...all morning I kept thinking about how much fun I would have been having...

Another couple sent a beautiful e-card they'd made for me...things like that made it a special day. However, I kept looking for an email from my husband...maybe a telephone call. I waited and waited. Around 2:30 our time I called ...it was about 7:30 in Doylestown. We chatted, I talked to the cats (we are a bit crazy), finally I said, "I guess you forgot it's my birthday" He was very, very sorry....and he should be! We'll celebrate when I return to the US...it's going to be a special celebration, I'll guarantee you that.

Last Wednesday was my visit to the US Embassy and Yalonda...I was encouraged and expected to hear from her yesterday. Foolishly I thought,....she'll call around 9:00 am and I'll leave for Gaza on Tuesday...Well that didn't happen. I finally called her about 2:00 pm and she had no news, she'd called the Foreign Ministry and was waiting for a return call....she'd try again....it's 1:00 pm on Tuesday and I haven't heard from her.

For the first time since this saga began I'm beginning to become depressed...and angry. I need to watch the anger and not allow the "wild woman" take over. I am becoming weary...maybe a nap will rejuvenate me, I'll give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Susan dearest, Belated Happy Birthday and Halloooo from a friend from a former life. Beth alerted me to your new adventure. I am amazed, pleased, and proud--but somehow not surprised. So I will cheer you on from the sidelines. You will get to the children, the bureaucrats have no idea who they are dealing with. With love and admiration. Betsy PS I am not anonymous but a bit of a troglodite and do not understand "Comment as."
