Saturday, August 21, 2010

Children knocking at the Green Door

This week I sent my "children" off on their own. It was a bit traumatic for me. I've looked over them, protected them, shielded them for months. And now they're off...and I won't even be able to see them make their debut. They are off to "Art Hop" which takes place September 10, 11, 12 in Burlington, Vermont.

My "children" are a collection of drawings created by children in Gaza called "A Child's View from Gaza." Through out Gaza children's centers have developed arts programs to help children deal with the emotional trauma they've experienced as a result of  "Operation Cast Lead." The drawings are amazing yet painful to view. Detail and emotion leap off the paper....children are very honest! They should not be exposed to such one should! The 22 days of bombardment, invasion, loss and fear caused physical damage and destruction to homes, schools, businesses, etc...and people! The emotional damage is more difficult to see and heal. Gaza is doing their very best to help and heal their children.

The exhibit for "Art Hop" includes 15 drawings and will be shown at the Green Door Studio which is in South Burlington; 18 Howard Street. I think that's a bit off the beaten track....but a high traffic area at "Art Hop." Should you live in Vermont, want a week end away or know someone who's in Vermont...please check out "Art Hop;" the Green Door Studio and "A Child's View from Gaza" Please, please, please if you see the exhibit, share your thoughts by posting a comment on this blog. Don't worry about which post to comment under...just comment!

And now, I need to go upstairs and begin to sort and pack preparing for Tuesday when I leave for Cairo on my way to Gaza.

I hope to bring more "children" home with me.

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