Saturday, September 18, 2010

...what about baking cookies?

...and here I sit in my cheap little hotel... WAITING! I've not heard from Yolanda since my last post. Friday and Sunday are the week end here so the Embassy is closed. The wait is wearing me down; depression is hovering around my head, ready to take over....even without a moments notice.

I've tried to figure out why the drastic, well almost drastic, change in mood. I guess you can't remain Merry Sunshine forever. However I wasn't trying to be or even thinking about being merry and as bright as sunshine. I was totally focused on getting into Gaza; doing what ever it took to reach my goal. There was always an action to plan for, even if it involved some waiting. I don't know how Palestinians manage the waiting they have forced on them,

Action has been taken away from me...I am just sirring here; wondering and waiting...eating mango ice cream when ever I can. A few nights ago it was my dinner. The power over whether I am permitted to enter Gaza under the old rules is being reviewed, decided upon, discussed by people who could care lees.(except for Yolanda, she does care.)..SO, just let me go! I have what was previously needed. In fact I have strong documentation and letter of support. Not letting me in makes no sense. It's a damn game being played by Israel, the US and Egypt. There big game is trying to squeeze out the Palestinians or starve them out, especially those in Gaza. My problem/game is even less than peanuts compared to that.

God forbid I should take pictures, give presentations about what I saw, heard and experienced. My little presentations shaking up the world., causing waves of protest. Me? I suppose if enough people did it there might be ripples. I don't know...I know what I want to do and why; that's all I need. I remain in contact with the people from New Horizons, but not as often. They keep saying they can't wait to meet me...and I want to meet them. I know life isn't fair but this is beyond "not fair." It's absurd!  Re-reading this I sound like an over privileged, spoiled brat. My apologies to the Palestinians~

I wish I knew some action I could take short of barricading myself in the US Embassy. Guess I'd need some sort of weapon besides my mouth and determination. Violent weapons are out...think Susan, think! Be creative....maybe doing something outside the Embassy would be better...if I could obtain news coverage viewers would see me as I am, just a chubby little grandmother wanting to spread my talents around.

I've  got it I could use a propane oven and bake cookies....I know there are women upset to hear me say "bake cookies" but for PR coverage it would be a hit and very positive.The press would eat it up (joke, joke)  I could bake cookies at the US Embassy, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and then the Rafah Border Crossing. Who could speak unkindly of a grandmother baking cookies....the odor of grandmother's baked goods cooking in the oven? the taste of baked goods fresh from the oven? I think I have a project to absorb my time. Then I should bake cookies in Gaza!


  1. I sent your story to a few media contacts I have. I don't know if they will be interested, but it was worth a try.

  2. Hi,
    I'm a journalist from Pennsylvania, and I just spent 6 months working in the West Bank. I left a month ago but I'm interested in your story.
    You can see some of my work on my blog if you click on the "writings elsewhere" section (mostly on Palestine Monitor).
    If you're interesting in talking and receiving news coverage about your attempts to get into Gaza please get in touch with me!

  3. Kara, my emails to you are being returned. Could you send your email address again via my blog? I have to approve it so it won't be published. Susan
    I am VERY interested in in your interest!

  4. Anonymous:
    I am out of the country and don't have facts and figures with me....I will post them when I can. Perhaps another reader has them.

    I do know that the World Health Organization and UNRWA have spoken and published about food shortages, malnutrition and vitamin deficiency. These are serious problems with children and pregnant women.

    Israel's extension of a "buffer zone" on Palestinian land has greatly reduced Gaza's tillable land by 25 to 35 percent. This seriously reduces their food production...causing severe shortages. I can't quite understand taking Palestinian land for Israel's buffer zone. If I wanted to create a buffer zone between my property and my neighbors I would have to build it on my own land. Even if my neighbor was throwing things into my yard.

    As for throwing things onto my land, even shooting things, I would have to take that to court (as in the International Court) It may not be right, or even illegal to throw things on your neighbors land but you can't just take it.

    AS for "Israel sending millions, correction billions of Shekels of food into Gaza these days? I sure would like your reference source on that. Is this know, just given to help the people in Gaza...similar to truckloads of food that rotted in the desert in 2009 because the aid was not allowed to be delivered to Gaza.

    In 2009 Israel was allowing 50 items...50... to be imported to was on a list that no one ever saw, decided by the Israelis with no input from the medical or health care professionals, UNRWA, WHO...! And guess where the foods and other goods were produced? Awe come on you can figure that out... Israel... helping their economy.

    If you want facts:...The US gives more aid to Israel than it does to any other country in the world! I thought Israel was booming and was shocked they met criteria of a country in need.

    Speaking of BILLIONS the US gives Israel 3.5 billion dollars in military aid per year. That's right, 3.5 billion.

    I'll find some information about Israel's
    "starving" the people in Gaza.

    Thanks for writing.
