Monday, January 17, 2011

GUNS...who wants them?

It's been more than a week since the shootings in Tuscon, The losses created are tragic. Lives were snuffed out because people were in the wrong place at the wrong time....a very troubled young man acted on thoughts racing through his mind....six people killed and thirteen wounded...a semi-automatic gun. A GUN! A sick individual!! People being together in the same location!!

Could this tragedy have been accomplished by one person without a gun? I seriously doubt it....unless the person  used explosives or poison. Without a gun chances of that happening would be slimmer than slim. A gun....usually the weapon of choice in domestic killing....Why?? Ease! Ease of purchasing and ease of using. In the US, purchasing a gun is a simple matter. Regulations? The very unstable individual who committed Saturday's violence purchased the gun he used only days before he went on his rampage. He was able to purchase the gun, a hand gun, legally, without a hitch..."only in America" In the US gun restrictions are the responsibility of the state....responsibility.... Restrictions In a nearby state there is a limit on how many guns you may purchase. My memory tells me 14 per week is the maximum...could it have been month not week? God I hope so...who needs 14 guns per week?

Violence is one of America's greatest problems. Few countries in the world have more guns per person than we do. The sole purpose of a gun is to kill....that's its function....KILL. We are so desensitized to violence and guns that had a Congresswoman not been involved in the Arizona tragedy, would the media and public have been as shocked and outraged?

It was suggested that a bulletproof shield be erected in congress to protect members of the house and the senate against gun use.....Well what about the rest of us? What is needed?...a bulletproof bubble for each of us to wear? It seems to me there are two steps that need to be taken....tougher regulations on guns and adequate funding for mental health services. It's a very sound beginning.

Guns? The NRA is the most powerful lobby in the country....some will dispute that and give that honor to AIPAC.....both lobbies involve violence and weapons power. They control our congress with their power... their money. 

The NRA  has protected your god given, excuse me, your constitutional right to have firearms. Why does anyone have a right to purchase an uzie ? They they are legal to own but illegal to shoot? Now than doesn't make sense. Actually they are a rip off; you're encouraged to purchase something you don't need and can't use. And you may purchase a pistol but you aren't allowed to carry it without a do you bring it home?

Guns are for killing....killing what ever the shooter wants to kill. Well, there are those times when the shooter makes a mistake and kills something...usually someone...he didn't intend. If he hadn't had a wouldn't have happened..And then there are the children who find a gun, shoot it and kill their baby sister, the kid next door, their mother. Sure, it should have been securely locked up..... I can see no need for guns....they are for's not for the hunt, you can certainly hunt without killing...try a camera instead of a gun. The NRA would disagree with me on every point. They are here to protect us. Not us, not me, that's for sure.

And the other lobby AIPAC...they want guns...need guns....get guns,,,,need weapons...get weapons...need bombs, missiles, helicopters, airplanes, name it, if it relates to war, killing and the  military ....they get what they want from the US Congress. Actually, that's wrong,,,it comes from my tax dollars, your tax dollars, our tax dollars 

How are they able to do this? "Education" false, "Needs Assessment" are you kidding? It's power.. by donating money, building power, using pressure...threatening, no it's not threatening it's merely a friendly reminder...we've enlightened you of our needs, should you choose to ignore this...not vote for us to get what we need to can be replaced as an elected official.

AIPC is the lobby for Israel....they are here to promote and produce (from the US) Israel's wants and needs...their wish list ...mostly military...Israel is not a third world country. They, Israel, are #1 on the list for receiving US aid. Our tax dollars send them 3,5 billion dollars a year...sometimes they want more...within the past few weeks we added on another 2,5 million. These aren't loans they are gifts. It's difficult to make sense of....for me anyway. 

Once again I've gone a bit wild...wish I'd thought things out more clearly before I started. 

Lets talk about mental health funding and providers on another post. I care passionately about the mental health issues and want to be focused. 


  1. From Susan:
    According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there have been 542 deaths due to suicide bombings (2000-2007) The statistics include a listing of every bombing and the number of fatalities. Of those 542 not all were Israelis.

  2. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I'm sure your comments about guns are correct, but you left out something.

    Guns can be used to PROTECT as well.

    Maybe, along with your other statistics, you could research and write another post on the subject of how many civilians were killed when their governments managed to disarm them.....

    I do agree with you about the Palestinians, however, and I agree with you about our illegal wars of aggression all over the world.

    But please, inform yourself about the dangers of people being disarmed by their governments.

    God Bless
    Another Susan
