Thursday, February 04, 2010

Leftist organizations??? The Methodist Church? ??

How is it possible? Time slips by so quickly leaving few, if any, accomplishments. I seem to be spinning my wheels; actually I'm stuck ..not moving. Am I in park? I'm not going forward, that's for sure! Meanwhile my brain is racing with reactions and emotions rather than focusing on thoughts, ideas and plans. There's an awful lot of anger swirling around in there as well.

I'm finding the Israel..Palestine..Gaza...Goldstone Report ...Israel..AIPAC...all beginning to drive me crazy. I'm a wild woman! The straw that broke the camel's back was small compared to all that's happening and being said. I was searching the web for information about the letter sent to Obama by 54 members of congress requesting the siege and blockade of Gaza be lessened for humanitarian reasons. The entries on Google upset me..most were hate filled...

Finally I found a "reasonable" site featuring commentary that wasn't too offensive ...until it stated "leftest organizations" also signed the letter. It then listed these lefty groups....including the Methodist Church. The Methodist Church?? A leftest organization? I was so angry I had to write a comment AOL email account was required. I open one; then pounded out my sentiments. Today I checked the site, "leftest organizations" remained in the article though there was no list or mention of the Methodist Church. They'd edited their article! And they printed my comment.

Backing away from the controversy is a must right now. My best chance of having an impact, being productive or effective is by giving presentations and focusing on traveling to Gaza in May. It sounds easy. When you're emotional, passionate and a bit's not as easy as it sounds. I'll try!!

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