Thursday, February 18, 2010

Making things happen...positively!

Positive things are happening...they must be! Perhaps writing them down will help me accept that they are; providing incentive and a more positive attitude. I should not be down!

I'm exploring the possibility of immersion in conversational Arabic before I am immersed in it for real. It could be a great help to me. The need for Arabic is scary because I have little if any aptitude for languages. More on that as it progresses...or falls through.

Great news: I received a sizable donation towards my Gaza trip. Very much a surprise and very much appreciated! I'm overwhelmed by the generosity. It's exciting having someone believe in you; invest in you. We, the donor and I, often discussed my support of Palestine and Gaza and how much my involvement means to me. My friend summed it in one word, passion. Thanks to her I'm well on the way to having the funds I need to follow my passion for Gaza. It's a humbling experience.

For weeks I've worked on the materials to explain and promote my presentation. Finally, they are finished and ready to attach to emails or print and mail. Currently I'm contacting 25 possible venues; faith based groups, schools and over 55 communities. I have my fingers crossed I'll have at least four positive responses. Next there's Saxby's, I'm reserving three time slots.

There's an exciting possibility for a presentation at a popular Philadelphia restaurant...without a rental fee! While having coffee there one Sunday I struck up conversation with a man who turned out to be one of the owners. I'd been telling him about Gaza and my report backs. He suggested I might want to use their upstairs conference space...for free! Great opportunity! Our friend Cy is helping with contacts. Cy organized a Friday noon vigil for Palestine in front of the Israeli Consulate every week...have been doing it for years. Cy knows everybody!

So things are going well!
(I resisted the urge to add on junk that could be going better. That's progress!)


  1. It's people like you, who don't give up, who help the rest of us find the determination to not let this injustice pass. Brava!

  2. Anonymous2:02 AM

    very inspiring! i am Palestinian-American and you are doing wonderful work. i have family in Gaza.

    preemie sized favor if you are able, if you can't i understand. my cousin's wife just delivered a 1 pound preemie. they don't have clothes for his little girl, nothing in preemie sizes at least. if you have room in your luggage we could send you money to buy her clothes for her. they've already had two miscarriages and a parent die this year (couldn't get medical care they needed for stroke -awful situation).

    oh and if it matters we are a Christian family, saw that you are speaking at churches.

    please email me if the answer is YES!

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Susan, I just read your latest entry in Mondoweiss about speaking in Des Moines and Ames. Keep up the great work! I just wanted to make sure that you knew about Jewish Voice for Peace. You could refer groups that say they're having difficulty communicating with Jews in their community to
