Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Ruffled feathers and I'm off the track

The comment on the previous post has ruffled my feathers, hence this post which started as a comment.

This is for Anonymous from's a shame you felt the need to be anonymous. I can't help but wonder. does the tone and use of words have anything to do with you preferring to be anonymous?

Now for all...Muslims vary as much as any religious group. Muslims in some countries, certain groups or sects of Islam and just plain groups believe in social separation of the sexes except with in the family. Some, countries such as Saudi Arabia, have very strict rules that we (non-Muslims as well as many Muslims) view as oppressive, sexist,  "wrong"

I oppose the death penalty in the US and its process of determining who is to be put to death which is racist. Stoning anyone to death  is wrong..sexist, I'm not so sure.Societies with practices such as stoning are, as near as I can determine, run by violent, intolerant, viscous men. Usually severe treatment is also dolled out to both sexes which removes it from the category of being sexist. It is wrong!

Applying "psychotically" ("sexist") to any society is something that wouldn't pass the test determining psychosis. An entire group can not be label that way let alone diagnosed. Psychosis is a severe psychiatric condition. It's not a condition to assign an entire group. No matter, I do not agree with your diagnosis!

Brutalization? How can you apply that term or even begin to prove your statement? Making generalizations can be a very dangerous practice; often the roots of generalizations and labels  involve prejudice, gone to the extreme; hatred. Generalizations can involve positive label ...a few exceptional people all of the sudden be stretched into becoming an entire exceptional society.

There are aspects of Islam I don't agree with. That same statement applies to Judaism, Christianity..Protestant and Catholic... Buddhism, etc. I joke about some groups within a religion as being "lunatic fringe" which is disrespectful on my part. Your generalization about Muslims is unfortunate, your unfortunate opinion...Using "psychotically" and "brutalization" as you have pushes me to the verge of labeling you. But should I jump to that conclusion?

I believe in looking for the good which is within each of us. (Just realized, is that a generalization?) Finding and  encouraging that good is much more productive than concentrating on the "bad".      

Perhaps I'll add to this...and would encourage readers to share their comments...join in the discussion!

1 comment:

  1. Beth Lander1:11 PM

    Hi, Susan! Not commenting on anything in particular - just wanted to know that I'm glad to see your posts, I'm glad that you are well, and I'm glad that you remain cantankerous. Love, Beth
