Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Egyptians....and then?... the Anglo American Hospital

This is out of sequence; it should have come before the cast.
Oh well, it's a confusing time.

I arrive at the Anglo American Hospital. I refuse the hospital's invitation to stay over's very old...1920s'...perhaps used in a Humphrey Bogart Movie.If I've had a concussion I know the gang at the hotel will follow the doctor's instructions down to the letter and watch me like a flock of hawks...are hawks in flocks? I'll ask my brother.

The Doctor is very nice....he thinks I have such a cheerful attitude and great sense of humor after such a horrible experience, "You're certainly fortunate you weren't killed." ha,ha,ha..."that's why I ran to the left, it was my only chance, ha,ha,ha I wish I hadn't hit the old man"...I am not laughing! "Oh, you're lucky he was there. He probably absorbed about 70% of your momentum. You'd have been killed." I'm absorbing 99% of what he's saying and feeling nauseous.  ..

The Doctor gives me his business card in case I need to call him. It contains: his name, the hospital address; hospital phone number, his office number in the hospital; his home phone number; his cell phone number; a fax number. How difficult is it to contact your doctor...or even the answering service?

My foot swells up on Tuesday; it's red and painful. I call the hospital around 5pm....they say the doctor will be  in at 9pm. "Call him at home or on his cell phone" I call his home, his wife answers, "he's sleeping. call back in about an hour" How amazing, wonderful to have a doctor so accessible! .... but the hospital.....the Anglo American's dingy,'s not giving off good vibes or instill tremendous confidence.

When I go for my x-ray I'm wheeled from the doctor's office to a doorway next leads to a dark dingy hallway, looking like a basement in need of repair...only it's on the first floor. People sit in chairs along the outside the far end of the hall four men, in short sleeved plaid shirts sit around a square wooden table. At first I think they're playing cards; no! Having lunch or coffee break? No! Going over papers, reports? No! They're just sitting there.... I wondered who they are...why they're just sitting around the table.

One of the men gets up...walks toward me, saying.".x-ray? come on!" I follow him into the x-ray also looks dingy like a basement with a VERY old table and x-ray machine placed in the center of the room. The plates used for the x-rays are chipped. He takes two pictures in record speed and tells me. "wait outside". Rapidly he returns, says "broken," hands me the x-rays in an envelope almost a third the size of x-ray envelopes I'm used to. He then walks back to the three men sitting around the square table. Me?...."But where do I go? What do I do now?" "The doctor." he replies..

go to previous post for cast information.


  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Hi Mrs Susan, This is Nermin from Fair Trade Egypt..

    I wanted to call you to check on your leg but didnt know when are you leaving..

    How is your leg? did u get back home or your still here?

    P.s I tried to create my profile but couldn't that's why I selected Anonymous:)

    Let me know:)

  2. Dear Nermin,
    I was so very happy to find your comment...I'd very much like to communicate with you. If you send another comment...anonymous is fine...include your email address. I won't publish the comment but will write directly to you.
    Right now I am in a rehabilitation facility. When I returned to the states the doctors here found I had caused additional damage to my left foot that required surgery. It was operated on Thursday October 14. It was supposed to go home the same day but I developed pulmonary problems and was admitted overnight. The next day I was transfered to the rehab facility in the evening. During the night I experienced breathing difficulties and was taken back to the hospital.
    My breathing seams to be okay and I returned to the rehab facility this afternoon.
    I am not sure how long I will be here. I am not allowed to put any weight on my left foot for six weeks. I am receiving physical therapy ....using a walker and a wheelchair
    The stitches on my face were taken out before I left cairo and the wound is looking great! Everyone says the doctor did such a wonderful job of stitching me up...I'm so very lucky.
    Please sent your email address.
    Thanks, Susan

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Dear Mrs Susan

    I am glad you got my comment and I was trying to send you on your mail but the hanwriting wasnt so clear:(

    Ohh..Can't believe that after all what happened to you, also your foot turned out to be injured:(

    But soon you will recover from everything...God willing:)& the best part is that you're amongst your beloving family not alone!

    Here is my email address:

    Please do send me an email so that I save yours and we keep intouch.

