Saturday, February 12, 2011

25th of January Revolution

Congratulations to the people of Egypt. They've accomplished what was thought to be the impossible ....President Mubarak resigned....gave up the power he's held for 30 years...he did so defiantly! First saying he was the President and had to stay in power for the sake of Egyptians. He then chose a vice president whose past history suggests that he's an expert at torture, "security," the military and a very good friend of the US and Israel ...."well respected"...... which in diplomatic speak means his loyalties toward Egypt, the Egyptians probably comes second to the needs (and orders) of the the US and Israel. Mubarak could not withstand the will of the people

The revolution is dynamic, focused and dedicated to bringing freedom and democracy to their country. This 5 year old radiates enthusiasm and determination as he motivates crowds to echo his chants. Witness a future leader! Children are our  hope for the future: Egypt's and the world's .

Mubarak did little sharing about his plans, what he would say to the Egyptian people and the world. It was thought he was going to resign Thursday night....that was suspected by all of the news sources I check, with the exception of one and I can't remember who that was. Again defiant, he announced he must stay...he was president even though he relinquished some responsibilities to his self appointed vice-president.

The anger, frustration and disappointment on the part of the crowds, the revolutionaries, were quite visible on their faces. It could almost be felt through the TV or computer screen. (I watched Al Jazeera stream...which always beat the other stations to the story...they were fantastic.)  It appeared to be a shock to world leaders as well. That's not surprising having listened to Hilary who told us just two weeks ago how strong and stable Egypt's government (Mubarak) was. ....not to worry, all is under control.

Friday the vice-president announces Mubarak was turning the government over to the military....he was stepping down.....finally, after 30 years of corruption, fear, and increasing poverty, Egyptians were free of him and his ruthless government.  It was an amazing, pure joy. I heard a reporter describe how the cab he was in was stopped in traffic, when the driver just opened the door and jumped into the crowds... he could not resist joining the celebration.

This is just the beginning for Egypt and Egyptians. They have my prayers .....may they secure the freedom, justice and democracy they seek and deserve..

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